Grace Street Theater show with Gamelan Raga Kusuma, dancers, and more!

Poster by Lee Wall, raison

Come celebrate 10 years of Gamelan Raga Kusuma at the anniversary concert!  This show features a highly diverse survey of Indonesian arts, and is kid-friendly.  Get your tickets while you can!

Update 2017-03-20:

Fantastic show to a capacity crowd at GST!  Here we are performing in front of our beloved Javanese and Balinese gamelan instruments from Gamelan Raga Kusuma, and the public debut of the rabbit from our newest crankie, “Silver Dagger” by Hannah Marie Standiford:

Open call for crankie artists!

Rumput is seeking an artist to produce a crankie (panoramic scrolling artwork) to accompany a song for our live shows.  Submit a proposal including a brief outline of your concept and a miniature scroll as a work sample — any size or medium (receipt paper, electronic file, etc.)

One artist will be chosen to create a full-sized crankie to be used in live performance. We will provide a 36” tall roll of Tyvek for the final piece. (You’re free to use other materials too, but it must be as tough and translucent as Tyvek.)  If we use your work you will receive a percentage of the proceeds every time it is used.

Proposal Deadline: March 24th

More info on crankies:

Shadow Ballads

In April 2016 we toured with Shadow Ballads — a collaborative music and shadow theater performance involving Balinese master puppeteer Gusti Sudarta, master Javanese kroncong musicians Peni Candrarini and Danis Sugiyanto, and old-time Appalachian balladeers Anna & Elizabeth. This production incorporated new arrangements of traditional Indonesian and Appalachian music as well as a newly produced crankie based on The Ramayana.  We performed at The University of Richmond, Cornell, Wake Forest, Bucknell, the Indonesian Consulate in NYC and the Indonesian Embassy in DC.

Photos, bios & tour/production blog

Hannah on stage in Indonesia

Rumput bandleader Hannah Standiford’s student residency in Indonesia culminated in an Indo-Appalachian performance in the Bukan Musik Biasa concert series, complete with cranky wayang. Hannah sang and played with Orkes Kroncong Iblis, along with additional Western students on fiddle and banjo.