Featuring Balinese Shadow Master Gusti Sudarta and a new crankie on the ongoing deadly colonial history of tobacco in the Americas and Southeast Asia.
Author: rumput
New video: Gado-Gado
We got together with some of our local Indonesian friends for food, fellowship and filming!
Video produced and edited by our own Nat Quick, with location and cinematography provided by Piperbear Properties and HD Bros.
Rumput with Endah Laras and Danis Sugiyanto at Smithsonian — complete show on video
Watch the full show on Facebook live video from the Smithsonian Freer Sackler Gallery.
Jali-Jali on Line Today
Social media aggregator Line Today reposted our video of Jali-Jali, calling it “luar biasa fasih” (extraordinarily fluent). It soared past 100k views in a week!
Check out the thread on facebook but be sure to check out the full-resolution version below.
Akar video: live performance with crankie & shadow puppets
Last September was the US premiere of Akar, our intercultural retelling of Jack & the Beanstalk, here in Richmond Virginia, following our tour of Java.
BBC Indonesia: Dari Amerika, musisi perempuan bentuk grup keroncong dan pentas di Solo
Dari Amerika, musisi perempuan bentuk grup keroncong dan pentas di Solo
View as PDF: BBC_Dari Amerika, musisi perempuan bentuk grup keroncong dan pentas di Solo
Watch video: bbc.com/indonesia/media-45003834
View as images (2 parts):